
Showing posts from December 1, 2019

Grilled Fish

Grilled Fish As Summer sets in we embrace our long days and short nights. Braaied/grilled meats or fish served with salads and accompanied by chilled drinks are often the favourites at casual lunches and dinners during South African Summers.  One of my favourite Summer dishes is grilled fish. The inclusion of fish in one’s diet is in general a good source of protein, it is good for the heart and it is said that if one wants to improve brain power, include some omega 3 fatty acid in your diet – fish is loaded with this!  Preparation of fish can be a bit of a daunting task when one has to de-gut the freshly caught fish and remove the scales etc. This recipe is dedicated to a great fisherman in my family, who didn’t just catch the best fish, but also de-gutted it and scaled it for me … this always made my preparation of fresh fish really easy.  Fresh fish can be bought at your local fish markets or fish monger, and they will usually do all the prep...