
Showing posts from June, 2020

Stuffed Sweet Paprikas

 Stuffed Sweet Paprikas Millions of people all over the world have been forced by the unprecedented times of the COVID-19 epidemic to slow down their pace in life for some time, by living under various lock down regulations. Like these millions of people staying at home, I too have had to look at ways to keep myself occupied and also happy. So, amongst the things I have been doing, is a lot of baking and cooking, after all we have to eat. My kitchen is my happy place. It has been loads of fun cooking and baking, then clicking photos and sharing recipes with family and friends over social media. These lock down days have seriously brought about the creative side in many individuals, which is pleasing to know.  It has been exciting to attempt a few different but interesting and delicious meals with the limited ingredients available. Whilst shopping for essential fresh produce, these beautiful, large, coloured sweet paprikas were purchased and brought home to cheer me up. Th